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Electronic Resources Usage 2024

Most-Requested E-Journals - 2024

Title Total Item Requests
1. PLoS ONE 3,923
2. People 1,645
3. Physiology & Behavior 980
4. Nature 830
5. Psychological Trauma Theory Research Practice and Policy 751
6. Appetite 735
7. Science 708
8. National Review 673
9. Sustainability 662
10.The Economist,Ed.U.S. edition 652

Source: Alma analytics - COUNTER 5 data

Most-Used Platforms - 2024

Platform Total Item Requests
1. Gale 73,309
2. EBSCOhost 56,800
3. JSTOR 22,137
4. ProQuest 19,489
5. ScienceDirect licensed content 13,058
6. CQ Press Library 566
7. SAGE Journals 563
8. Taylor & Francis Online 527
9. University of Chicago Press Journals 97
10. Sage Knowledge 1
Source: Alma analytics - COUNTER 5 data

Most-Used Publishers - 2024

Publisher Total Item Requests
1. Elsevier 11,421
2. American Psychological Association 7,308
3. Gale, part of Cengage Group 6,426
4. American Library Association 5,324
5. Taylor & Francis 5,276
6. Public Library of Science 4,618
7. MDPI AG 4,151
8. Springer 3,642
9. Oxford University Press 3,135
10. BioMed Central Ltd. 2,949
Source: Alma analytics - COUNTER 5 data
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