Students rate our Academic Support Centers!
Over 8000 tutoring sessions in the Fall 23 and Winter 24.
- "I am extremely grateful for the invaluable assistance."
- "Thanks to his support, math has become much more accessible and enjoyable for me."
- "He is a very knowledgeable tutor, and has been very helpful to me every time I have worked with him. He is able to explain information and concepts clearly and accurately, and is very willing to provide clarification and further understanding when necessary. I would highly recommend his assistance to any student taking Calc 1."
- "Very helpful! She gave me some really great resources to continue working on my paper on my own time and made an effort to be impactful.”
- “He was very nice and friendly, my paper is better for it!”
- "Throughout my tutoring journey, she not only provided me with full support in academic subjects but also helped me solve problems in my life, which relieved me during tough times in a new country. I appreciate her professionalism and time!"
- “Very helpful and thorough. Super awesome i fee so prepared for my midterm!!”
- “Good teacher! She was so clear and helpful. She was very patient and Great to work with! Highly recommend her!”
- "Knowledgeable and awesome."
- "She had a most pleasant personality and was a great help on my paper."
- "She explained everything to me. It was an awesome session"
- "My tutor helped me to properly cite sources and effectively correct grammatical errors in my essay"
- "He taught me how to organize the essay writing step by step."
- "She is very personable and dedicated."
- "She is amazingly brilliant, professional and extremely patient."
- "My tutor was super helpful. She helped me break up my paper so it is easier to complete. also she asked me questions to make sure I understood what she was saying."
- "I always have productive sessions. I appreciate her help each week."