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ASC 1070 information literacy exercise: Part 1: Introduction

An introduction to information literacy for students enrolled in ASC 1070.


Cartoon from Foxtrot comic strip about Wikipedia. Source:

Purpose of this exercise:

Your OCC Librarians have created this exercise to make sure you're comfortable using at least three tools to find information for your OCC classes. The three tools we'll focus on are:

  1. The OCC Library catalog
  2. An OCC Library database called Academic OneFile
  3. Google

Each of these tools has advantages and disadvantages. You'll explore each tool and begin to understand why you might choose one over the other for a particular assignment. By the time you've finished this exercise, you'll be more information literate than you were before. In general, to be "information literate" means you can recognize when information is needed, and then locate, evaluate, use, and communicate that information.


Look toward the top of this page and notice that this exercise has 5 parts:

  • Part 1: Introduction
  • Part 2: Library catalog
  • Part 3: Academic OneFile database
  • Part 4: Google
  • Part 5: Conclusion

Visit each part in turn and follow the directions listed there. You'll be asked to do certain tasks and record information in a Word document, which we have started for you and made available on the right side of this page. Before you go any further, open this Word document and save it to a safe location (for example, a flash drive).

Best of luck from your OCC Librarians!

Ready to get started?

If you have opened the Word document from the right side of this page and saved it to a safe location, you are ready to move on to Part 2: Searching the OCC Library catalog

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