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About the Library: Library Basics

  How do I ...

Set up my OCC ID and Password?

The MyOCC ID/PW is required to view articles from home, to use your internet printing account, and for OCC functions like registering for courses or checking your grades. See the MyOCC Self-Service site to see how to set up a new ID/PW or request a password reset. If you need to have your password reset, check with Library staff as they may be able to assist you. Bring an official picture ID, such as a driver’s license. There is also a Student Helpdesk available for OCC students.

Find Books in the Library?

Books are located by searching the Library Catalog in Search Everything, the search box on the Library website. For help locating a book on the shelf, ask a Librarian. For assistance searching the Catalog, Chat with a Librarian.

Renew a Book Online?

In Search Everything, go to Sign In with your MyOCC user name and password and click on "My Account" link at the top of the screen. Check selected items and "Renew". If the items are already overdue or it is the due date, you will need to contact your campus library's Circulation Desk to renew.

Find out When My Materials are Due?

All OCC Students will receive library notices through their OCC Student E-mail accounts. Check your OCC E-mail for messages with the subject line "A Reminder from Your OCC Library". If you have any questions, please call or stop by an OCC Library.

Return my Library Materials?

You can return your library materials by dropping them off at any campus library circulation desk.  Or use one of the external drop boxes located on each campus to return your library materials at your convenience to any campus library. See maps with drop box locations for each campus: Auburn Hills | Highland Lakes | Orchard Ridge | Royal Oak | Southfield

Check out Special Equipment?

The OCC Libraries offer a variety of special equipment to check out. 

Contact your campus library Circulation desk for details.

Find a Textbook for my Class?

As a general rule, the OCC Libraries do not own copies of your current textbooks. Your instructor may have placed a copy on Course Reserve in your campus library. Check the Reserve tab in the Library Catalog. See the OCC Bookstore to learn which books are required for your courses.  See the full Library Textbook Policy.

Get a Library Card?

Your One Card serves as your library card and will allow you to check materials out of the library, renew books online, request items from another campus library and make print outs or copies. Order your One Card by submitting a photo online.

Get a Book from another Campus/Library?

If you have found a book in the Library Catalog that is owned by another campus, you can easily request it.  Sign in with your MyOCC user name and password, then click “Request" for your selected item.  Choose a campus for pickup, and request. You will receive an email when your book arrives. To request books from outside of OCC, see Interlibrary Loan.

Request Contactless Pickup?

OCC students, faculty, and staff can request books, DVDs, mobile hotspots, webcams, and scientific calculators for contactless pickup. Here's how to make a request:

  • On the OCC Libraries home page, use the Search Everything box to enter your search.
  • On your results screen, select the Available in the Library filter from the menu on the left.
  • When you find an item you'd like to request, select the title, select the Sign In link and enter your  MyOCC login credentials.
  • Select the Request link, indicate your preferred pickup location, then select the Request button.

Instructions for your pickup will be sent to your OCC email account.

Use Library Services Online?

Find OCC Library resources from off-campus
Use Search Everything or the OCC Libraries databases any time, anywhere with your MyOCC login to search for articles, ebooks, streaming videos and more.

Get help from an OCC Librarian while off-campus

Make Prints or Copies in the Library?

Printing or copying in the OCC Libraries requires a One Card or purchasing a reusable print card. You may purchase a card for $1 (50¢ for card, 50¢ for prints) from a cash-only card PayStation. You may also use the PayStation to add money to your card as needed. The costs for printing/copying are 10¢ per side for black & white and 30¢ per side for color.

Find Government Documents?

The Orchard Ridge Campus King Library is a selective depository for United States Government Documents. For information about access to King Library’s government document collection, see our Government Research Guide.

Reserve a Group Study Room?

Availability varies by campus. Please contact your campus library Circulation Desk for more information. 

Looking for Something Else? Search the Library Site:

Find information about services and policies at the OCC Libraries. To find books or articles for research, try Search Everything or choose a library database.

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