With the introduction of the World Wide Web, teachers and information professionals have long been telling students to carefully evaluate information that they intend to use in their research. Fake news is a popular label amid the increase of inaccurate information and concern about its impact on public opinion. Whether such news is intentionally misleading or due to inadequate fact checking, carefully examine all sources of information you read and intend to share.
There are many websites and news sources that engage in activities that can lead to the spread of false or fake information to readers:
Because of these possible conditions you should use caution when citing or sharing articles without evaluation. If a headline or story seems outrageous, take a closer look. Be very skeptical of article titles that start with a number and some sensational wording or revealing of a secret (ex: "10 Actors You Didn't Know were Dead" or "12 Ways to Ruin Your Children").
Remember that misinformation or "fake news" is not specific to a certain political side. Do not assume that just because you agree with an article and its ideology, that fact checking is unnecessary. And don't assume that because you disagree with an author or article, that within it exists inaccurate information (this is known as confirmation bias).
Doing further research on your own through mainstream news sources, the library databases, or fact checkers like TruthorFiction.com, FactCheck.org and Snopes.com can be helpful to help you recognize false, incomplete or misleading news stories.
This guide was adapted from the McLennan Community College Searching the Internet guide with permission.