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Introduction to Podcasts for Tara Broeckl's ENG 1510 Students: Introduction

What Is This Guide For?

This guide is an introduction to consuming podcasts. It's purpose is to help students new to podcasts to understand what they are and how to access quality podcasts for academic use. It also provides popular podcast recommendations to help listeners choose what they want to listen to by their interests. 

Although it is intended as a first step into the vast world of podcasts, this guide does not inform  users about how to create their own podcasts, although resources for how to do this are provided in the more resources section.

What Are Podcasts?

Podcast displayed on a cell phone

Merriam Webster Dictionary, defines a podcast as, "a program (as of music or talk) made available in digital format for automatic download over the Internet."

Simply put, podcasts are radio on demand. They are episodic programs that people can stream or download. There are as many different kinds of podcasts as there are books, television shows, and movies, which means there's a podcast for everyone!

Template/content for this guide courtesy of Anna Lopatin, TIOC Department, Simmons College

How Authoritative Are Podcasters?

Podcast graphic


Not all podcasters are experts and unfortunately they won't all tell you that. It's important to recognize that podcasts are created with a point of view, especially when listening to political and editorial podcasts.

Because podcast quality varies, it is always recommended you verify its credibility before using for a source. Our Resources for Fact Checking guide can help!


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