Tutors will:
Tutors are not able to:
30 Minute Express Appointments are for students who have a few questions ready that do not require an hour of time or explanation. This is not recommended for writing assistance or virtual appointments that rely on a large amount of screen sharing, reading, or problem solving.
60 Minute Appointments are the standard appointment length.
Making the Appointment
You can make an appointment through our Penji app or website. You can also call 248-232-4435 or email us at if you would like assistance making an appointment.
You can check the courses/times available on the ASC website.
Students are eligible for two tutoring appointments per week, per course that they are enrolled in at OCC. These appointments cannot be on the same day.
Tutoring appointments will be scheduled for 60 minutes in most cases.
Tutoring appointments can be made up to two weeks in advance. To ensure availability, we recommend making appointments a minimum of 24 hours in advance. Same-day appointments will be accommodated if tutor is available.
In consideration of our staff and budget, tutoring appointments must be cancelled 4 business hours in advance or will be recorded as a no-show. We understand that emergencies occur and therefore, two no-shows are permitted during a semester. After two no- shows, tutoring privileges may be revoked for the remainder of the semester.
Preparing for the Appointment
During the Appointment
After the Appointment
Generative AI tools, (such as Chat GPT, Scribe, GPT-4, etc.) have the potential to be a valuable enhancement to your learning experience. However, use of these tools must follow your instructor’s AI policy. Your instructor may allow you to use these tools for help in understanding course concepts, working through practice problems, brainstorming, etc. but it is not allowed to use these tools as a substitute for work that will be submitted for a grade.
Because allowances for using generative AI will vary across courses and across assignments, students must read the expectations for each course carefully. Students should disclose to faculty and tutors if they are using generative AI platforms and in what manner they are using them in coursework.
If instructors allow generative AI, students must cite when, where, and how it is used to the faculty and tutor. Students should share the written policy with the tutor before a session to ensure that the tutor understands the assignment and resources you are able to use. When using generative AI, citations must include the platform and how the information is being used. Failure to disclose and cite AI-generated work to faculty may be a violation of the Academic code.
Writing Appointments: What would you like to work on?
Grammar, Mechanics, Documentation