Yes, the Bookstore will be shipping regular books and supplies out starting the week of the April 14th. Note - if there is an eBook option for a text, it is not required, but may be less expensive.
As a faculty member, you hold the keys to finding the best possible price for your students when it comes to textbooks. When selecting a new book, ask the publisher representative how much the book will cost the students and then confirm pricing with your bookstore manager. Ask for options such as a loose-leaf version, an e-book, discounted packages, or a customized book. Also note, if you can combine your textbook options for like classes across campuses, you will have more negotiating power. A publisher will be willing to negotiate better pricing for 200 books opposed to 20. Please see below for options other than just a new or used book.
Mention you are considering using Open Educational Resources for additional negotiating power.
Want your students ready the first day of classes? The college’s “All Inclusive” program allows the price of your textbook to be included with tuition as a fee. The price is negotiated with the publisher and is such that the book can’t be found anywhere else at a lower price. Talk to your store manager to see if this is an option for your students.
Rentals are an affordable option for our students and are normally rented at half the retail of a new or used book. To qualify as a rental, a book should be required for a class for a minimum of two to three years, should be bound (not loose-leaf or have perforated pages or have a required access code). Please contact your campus store manager to see if renting your book is an option for your students.
Instructors can speak to their store manager about the possibility of using an old edition of a title for their classes. Using an older edition can save students money as these books generally sell for much less than a current edition. However you must let the store manager know as soon as possible if an old edition will work for your class as they need to time to procure used copies in the online marketplace. And keep in mind, the older the edition, the greater the potential for a lower price!
Have you written your own materials for your class and/or are you just using bits and pieces of books (keep in mind copyright permission is required for any copyrighted material) in the form of a course pack? We can have your course packs printed in house and sold to your students at a very reasonable price. Contact your store manager for more information.
Only need certain chapters of a book, or perhaps certain chapters of a few books? Work with your publisher to create the perfect book for your class, often a lower retail to your students than the original book. If you need any assistance feel free to call your campus store.