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Open Access: Article Databases


Publisher Collections

Direct from publisher Open Access title lists which include a variety of subject areas. It is likely that most of this content is indexed by subject and title in the DOAJ

Bentham Open

Cambridge UP Open

Mary Ann Liebert Open Access

Oxford UP Open

MIT Press

Sage Open Access


Taylor & Francis Open

UChicago Press

Wiley Open

Aggregators and Open

Business, Economics, & Law

MDPI: Business & Economics
A collection of open journals from an International publisher.

A search portal for economics and business studies published in multiple languages from global sources.

Law Review Commons
A large collection of law reviews and legal journals from Universities and Law Schools across the United States.

Health & Medicine

BioMed Central
BioMed Central publishes over 200 peer-reviewed open access journals in biological, geological, and health sciences, and other topic areas.

BMJ Open
A collection of open academic journals on medical research from all disciplines and therapeutic areas.

Nature Communications (single title)
An open access journal publishing high-quality research in the areas of the biological, health, physical, chemical, Earth, social, mathematical, applied, and engineering sciences.

PubMed Central
Free full-text archive of free and open biomedical and life sciences journal literature at the U.S. National Institutes of Health's National Library of Medicine.

Scientific Reports (Nature single title)
An open access journal publishing original research on all areas of the natural sciences, psychology, medicine and engineering.

Sigma Repository
The Sigma Nursing Repository a free resource for nurses, nursing students, nursing organizations, schools of nursing, and hospitals/healthcare systems.


Humanities Commons
A collection of open access scholarship and teaching materials for the humanities.

Independent Voices
An open access digital collection of alternative press newspapers, magazines and journals, drawn from the special collections of participating libraries. From JSTOR.

Open Humanities Press
A peer-reviewed collection of scholarly journals with a focus on critical and cultural theory. Includes journals and monographs. 

Open Library of Humanities 
A collection of 30 peer-reviewed journals on a variety of humanities subjects including literature, history, and digital humanities. Journals are arranged alphabetically by title. Journals can also be filtered by keyword and subject area.

PhilArchive is the largest open access e-print archive in philosophy. Access to items on PhilArchive is free without a user account. Sponsored by Western University in Ontario, Canada. 

Science & Technology

BioOne Open Access
Journals covering a wide variety of subject areas, including plant sciences, zoology, paleontology, and entomology.

BioMed Central
BioMed Central publishes over 200 peer-reviewed open access journals in biological, geological, and health sciences, and other topic areas.

A search engine and digital repository for scientific and academic papers, primarily in computer and information science.

ESS Open Archive
The Earth and Space Science Open Archive is a repository of environmental, and space science research including preprints, presentations from major scientific meetings, and important documents of scholarly societies.

Nature Communications (single title)
An open access journal publishing high-quality research in the areas of the biological, health, physical, chemical, Earth, social, mathematical, applied, and engineering sciences.

Scientific Reports (Nature single title)
An open access journal publishing original research on all areas of the natural sciences, psychology, medicine and engineering.

PLoS (Public Library of Science)
PLoS publishes open access journals, primarily in biological and health sciences fields.

PubMed Central
Free full-text archive of free and open biomedical and life sciences journal literature at the U.S. National Institutes of Health's National Library of Medicine.

Social Sciences

From the American Educational Research Association.

An index and full-text database of education research and information. Includes research articles, teaching materials, and policy reports. Sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences within the U.S. Department of Education.

Frontiers in... :
OA journals in the Humanities and Social Sciences including Frontiers in CommunicationFrontiers in EducationFrontiers in Psychology.

OCC Journals List

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Citation Linker
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OCC Article Databases

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