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Interlibrary Loan: FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

Interlibrary Loans expand access to resources beyond those available at OCC libraries.

OCC depends on other academic and public libraries for loans of materials. The conditions of ILL service are set by the National Interlibrary Loan Code of the American Library Association and by the regulations of individual lending libraries. There may be a limit to the number of items that can be requested. 

Who can use ILL?

  • Currently enrolled students, faculty, and staff of Oakland Community College are eligible to use all OCC ILL services.
  • Community residents (18 years of age or older), OCC alumni (current members of the OCC Alumni Association), and guests are encouraged to use the library materials, but will be restricted to ILL from other OCC libraries only.
  • An OCC Library Card is required to check out materials. Proper identification (registration receipt, driver's license, etc.) is required to obtain a library card.

Is there a charge?

  • There are no charges to OCC affiliates for this service.
  • The borrower is responsible for damaged or lost materials and will be charged for the materials.

Are there restrictions?

OCC Libraries are bound by any restrictions on use imposed by the lending library. Some libraries require that the materials they lend be used in the borrowing library. Additionally, the following materials may not be requested:

  • Reference books
  • Rare books
  • Books that have been reserved for the lending library's in-house use
  • Periodical volumes and issues (only limited photocopies can be supplied)
  • Some audiovisual materials
  • You may not request items that are available in the OCC print or online collections. Please ask librarian if you have any questions.
  • There may be a limit to the number of items that can be requested.
  • Requests may only be made for individual articles. Entire periodical volumes and issues may not be requested.
  • OCC Libraries are bound by any other restrictions that may be imposed by the lending library.

Please contact your campus library reference desk if you have any questions.

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