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Interlibrary Loan: Infopass


What Is "Infopass"?

Infopass is a special reciprocal borrowing program of the Southeastern Michigan League of Libraries (SEMLOL). It allows patrons of one member library to use resources at another member library when their own library has insufficient resources. Infopass is also the form that lets them use the other library.

How Do I Get And Use Infopass?

  1. When you believe that you have exhausted OCC Libraries' resources, consult with a librarian.
  2. The librarian will review your search with you.
  3. If the materials you need are not in an OCC library, the librarian will explore other libraries' materials with you.
  4. If appropriate materials are found in another SEMLOL library and you wish to go there yourself, the librarian will issue an Infopass. However, before requesting an Infopass, you should consider interlibrary loan, a process by which an OCC library will request the materials for you from the other library.

What Are The Conditions For This Privilege?

How Is This Different From Borrowing From One Of The OCC Campus Libraries?

  • Please remember that you are a guest at the other library. For such reciprocal borrowing agreements to continue, materials must be returned, and returned on time.
  • Overdue fines and replacement costs will be determined by the lending library. Often charges at other institutions are higher than at OCC. These charges will be passed along to you.
    • Overdue fines will result in the loss of borrowing privileges from OCC libraries until the charge is paid.
    • A charge of $50.00 or more will prevent both registration for new courses and transcript processing until the charge is paid.
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