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For Library Staff: IT & Network Help

Information for Technical Services & Library Staff

Setting Up Mailboxes

Setting up mailboxes is a two-step process.

Configuring Your PC

First you (the user) should log on to the PC to be used and open Outlook.

Follow the steps below:

For Outlook 2010

  1. Click on the File tab, select Info, then Account Settings button, then Account Settings.
  2. Click the Change button.
  3. Click on More Settings.
  4. Click on Advanced.
  5. Click on the Add button.
  6. In Add Mailbox, type the name of the mailbox you wish to add (libref, libdoc, interlibraryloan, occmelcat) and click OK
  7. You should see the mailbox you have added on your Mailboxes list.
  8. Click on OK.  This will return you to the Email Account page. Click on Next and Finish.

The new mailbox should appear in the your folder list.

For Outlook 365 web access

  1. Sign in to your OCC email
  2. Once you are logged in, select your circled initials at the top right then select Open another mailbox
  3. Type the name of the shared mailbox you are trying to access in the box provided and select it when it becomes available.
  4. Select Open and you should get a new browser tab for the mailbox.

For more help with this, try these instructions.

OCC IT Service Catalog

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