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For Library Staff: Technical Standards

Information for Technical Services & Library Staff

Provisional Records

A provisional record should be made for each item ordered. Continuations and Standing Orders do not require provisional records.

In the Cataloging Module ….

    • Click on Bib
    • Choose Workforms
    • Select the proper workform for the item you are orderin
  • Fill in as much as the information as you are able, remembering that when working with provisional records, author entries are not used.
  • Save the record.

Guidelines for Creating Provisional Records for Public Display

DALNET Database Standards Committee

Provisional records are brief records to support acquisitions activities and to control temporary collections. Provisional records should not be confused with minimal-level bibliographic records, which are permanent.

1. Provisional records shall be upgraded to minimal-level or higher-level cataloging or deleted when appropriate.

2. Provisional records must use the Horizon/MARC workform appropriate for the format being added to the collection. The workforms identified will be Archival/Manuscript, Book, Computer File, Map, Music, Serials, or Visual Materials.

3. All provisional records must have a leader and 008 field. Specific values in the 008 field will be determined by each institution.

4. Variable fields will need to be completed on the workform. The 02X, 245, 250 (if available), and 260 fields are required.

5. Do not use the 1xx (author field) when creating original provisional records. The author, if appropriate, should be listed in subfield |c of the 245 field.

6. Within the variable fields, the 300 and 505 fields are optional.

7. If initial articles are used, use appropriate non-filing indicators following MARC format.

8. Provisional records should have properly coded copy and summary holdings records attached if there are multiple parts or volumes.

9. Item, copy and summary of holdings records may be attached to provisional records.

Summary Holdings

Summary Holdings for Dissimilar Formats Catalogued on a Single Record

In the case of two or more dissimilar formats with identical content catalogued on a single bibliographic record, the following procedures will be used:
    - A single Copy Record will be created for each distinct location
    - One Item Record will be created for each distinctive item
    - Individual Summary Holding Record lines will be created for each format
    - In the "Free Enum" field, enter the format of the item in caps as a prefix.
            Example: Free Enum: TEXT: Vol. 1
            Example: Free Enum: CD-ROM: No. 1-6

Summary Holdings for Items with Accompanying Material

When a single item with multiple parts is catalogued (a monograph with accompanying CD-ROM), the following procedures will be used:
    - A single Copy Record will be created for a distinct location
        DESC: Text + CD-ROM

    - One summary Holding Record will be created for the item
        Line: 1
        Free Enum: Text + CD-ROM
        Run: main

    - One Item Record will be created for each piece
        Item Enum/Chron: Text
        Item Enum/Chron: CD-ROM

Contiuations Updating

New item received (at Library Systems or at individual library)

  • Add new volume to summary holdings line
  • Add new item record for new volume
  • Barcode item
  • Print item labels

Library owned item updating procedures

When Holdings statement is Latest Edition Only

  • Check-in new volume to remove "In Transit…" message.
  • Pull older item from shelves to be discarded
  • Adjust summary holdings statement to reflect deletion of older volume 3
  • Delete item record for older volume
  • Discard older item

When older reference edition is transferred to circulation collection

  • Check-in new volume to remove "In Transit…" message.
  • Pull older item from shelves to be discarded
  • Change collection code on item record to circulating collection
  • Adjust reference summary holdings statement to delete older item
  • Adjust circulation summary holdings statement to include older item, perhaps delete earlier edition
  • If earlier edition removed from circulating collection, delete item record
  • Remove "Reference" statement from label of edition going to circulating collection
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