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For Library Staff: Online Reference and Library Card Requests

Information for Technical Services & Library Staff

Managing Online Requests

Our four online requests go to two mailboxes:

  • Libdoc: Requests for cards and for books go to this mailbox for LTAs to handle.
  • Libref:: Requests for articles and online reference go to this mailbox for librarians to handle.

Arrangements for monitoring the mailboxes and processing online requests are the responsibility of each campus library.  Access permissions are designed for the mailboxes as follows:

  • LTAs on each campus who are involved in ILL or issuing cards can access libdoc.
  • The same LTAs have read-only access to libref for back-up purposes.
  • All librarians can access libref.
  • All librarians have read-only access to libdoc for back-up purposes.
  •  Mary Ann can access both for purposes of administration.

In summary, if it is your job to process a particular type of request, you may reply to messages, and move and delete them as appropriate.  If you a back-up person for a particular type of request (e.g., a librarian checking libdoc in the absence of LTAs), you have read-only capability so that you can at least print out and call or independently email the requestor.  But you must have the requests ultimately deleted by a person with full capability--i.e., a person who regularly deals with the query type and is not restricted to read-only status.

Mary Ann has volunteered to back up in the unlikely instance that no one is available in a particular library to handle a request.

Structure and Function of "libdoc" and "libref"

Once the procedures in setting up email boxes have been followed (see right), one or both of these mailboxes should appear at the bottom of your Outlook folder list just above "Public Folders."  If you don’t know how to locate the folder list and move email items in and out of folders, please check with someone else in  your library who is knowledgeable about Outlook.  If you are able to access your folder list in Outlook but do not see the mailboxes, check setting up emailboxes for procedures and contact Mary Ann Sheble to grant permissions and, if necessary, talk you through setting up your PC.

Processing Online Requests

  • Open the mailbox by clicking on the "+" to the left of it and locate any queries designated for your campus.  (The top line of the message indicates the campus.)
  • Libdoc only:  When you click on an email entry, a summary response will appear with a hyperlink.    Clicking on the hyperlink will take you to a screen with patron request information. Note:  You may need to authenticate with your OCCNT ID and password when you click on the hyperlink.
  • Respond to the query.  If an immediate response cannot be made, move the query to your campus sub-folder.
  • After your final response:
    1. Delete the query.
    2. Delete your response (it will be in your personal mailbox's sent folder).

Setting Up Mailboxes

Setting up mailboxes is a two-step process.

Configuring Your PC

First you (the user) should log on to the PC to be used and open Outlook.

Follow the steps below:

For Outlook 2010

  1. Click on the File tab, select Info, then Account Settings button, then Account Settings.
  2. Click the Change button.
  3. Click on More Settings.
  4. Click on Advanced.
  5. Click on the Add button.
  6. In Add Mailbox, type the name of the mailbox you wish to add (libref, libdoc, interlibraryloan, occmelcat) and click OK
  7. You should see the mailbox you have added on your Mailboxes list.
  8. Click on OK.  This will return you to the Email Account page. Click on Next and Finish.

The new mailbox should appear in the your folder list.

For Outlook 365 web access

  1. Sign in to your OCC email
  2. Once you are logged in, select your circled initials at the top right then select Open another mailbox
  3. Type the name of the shared mailbox you are trying to access in the box provided and select it when it becomes available.
  4. Select Open and you should get a new browser tab for the mailbox.

For more help with this, try these instructions.

Stock Responses

Library Card: (This message could be sent when the card is mailed)

  • Your library card should arrive within one week. Meanwhile, to use library services, you may use this library card number: 22500037373146 [or whatever].”


  • The item you requested is not owned by an OCC library. It may take up to three weeks to obtain it. Please advise us if you are still interested.    [Discussion: If you use the above response, you would need to hold the request for, say, one week and then move it to the done folder with a note to the effect that the requestor did not respond.]
  • We will attempt to fulfill your request within three weeks and will advise you when the item is available for pick up.
  • The item you requested is not owned by an OCC library. We regret that our efforts to locate a copy available for borrowing elsewhere were unsuccessful. Please contact us if we can be of further assistance.

Article Delivery

  • The article you requested appears in a publication not owned by an OCC Library. We will attempt to locate the publication elsewhere and provide it to you within three weeks. Please advise us if you are still interested.     [Discussion: If you use the above response, you would need to hold the request for, say, one week and then move it to the done folder with a note to the effect that the requestor did not respond.]
  • The article you requested appears in a publication not owned by an OCC Library. We regret that our efforts to locate the article elsewhere were unsuccessful. Please contact us if we can be of further assistance.

Interim Responses

Some of the above amount to interim responses. A good way to keep track of them is to write a detailed subject line for the e-mail message, e.g. “Interim Response to Joe Smith’s Request for a Book of 01/29/2001, 01:35 p.m.”. Such a wordy subject line may be necessary only if we find we are getting multiple requests in a day from a particular person. Note that the date and time of the interim response are taken from the request; they are not the date and time of the response.

When you have finally responded to a request, move your response(s) to the Done folder along with the request itself.

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