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Open Educational Resources: Overview

What are open educational resources?

Open educational resources (OER) are teaching, learning, and research resources that are free of cost and access barriers, and which also carry legal permission for open use. They include a multitude of formats, including textbooks, full courses, modules, videos, labs, assignments, and assessments. (Source: EDUCAUSE)

What makes them "open"?

OER are licensed in such a way that enables adopters to utilize the 5 Rs:

  1. Retain a copy of the content
  2. Reuse the content in a range of ways
  3. Revise the content as needed
  4. Remix original or revised content with other material
  5. Redistribute the original, revisions, and remixes with others

Creative Commons licenses are often applied to OER to license these rights to adopters.

Have questions?

Your campus librarians are ready to help, so please don't hesitate to contact us!

Faculty Grants at Oakland Community College 2024-2025

$500 Stipend for Adopting Open Education Resources for your Class

OCC Fulltime and Adjunct Faculty!  Earn a $500 one-time stipend for making this transition. ($450 to implement an OER plus $50 for writing a review).

See About the Grant

Sponsored by the OCC Foundation Provenzano Empowerment Fund.

Savings at Oakland Community College

OCC students saved $609,900 by using low or no-cost course materials in 2023/24. Total student savings to date is $2,254,700 .

StudentsCheck the OCC Bookstore listings for your courses for the note Free "Open Educational Resources" are required for this course.  Please see your instructor means your instructor is providing your course materials at low cost or free!  Thank your instructor if they are giving you this opportunity to save money! 

Want to adopt this guide?

Creative Commons License
Oakland Community College Library Research Guide on Open Educational Resources by OCC Librarians is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Based on a work at and

Guide Editor: Wendy Kamps-Tsao

OCC is committed to empowering our students to succeed and advancing our community.
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