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Primo VE Implementation Targeted for January 2023

Testing and configuration of Primo VE continues with a tentative target date to switch over in late December or early January before the beginning of the winter semester.

Access the new Primo VE interface here (it has an orange colored toolbar at the top top distinguish it from our current interface)

Compare this to our current interface at https://dalnet-primo.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com/primo-explore/search?vid=01DAL_OCC

For the most part, Primo VE will look and behave the same way our current instance of Primo does. Some of the differences are:

  • Primo VE uses a different search engine than Primo Classic
    Search results in Primo VE are based on an improved search engine which in many cases fixes a number of display issues we've seen in our current Primo. Because the search engine is different you will likely see small differences in the number of results between identical searches in Primo VE & Classic but this is most likely due to more accurate results in VE.
  • Primo VE uses a different method of authentication than Primo Classic
    When you login to Primo VE to make requests or renew borrowed items you will see a different login screen than currently, but you will still use your OCC ID & password to login. Try it out by selecting Sign In from the top right when in VE.
  • Saved Records and Saved Searches in Primo Classic may not migrate to Primo VE
    It is not completely clear yet how the move to Primo VE might affect users who have saved records and saved searches in Primo Classic. We can request reports showing some detail on users that are using saved searches and records currently in Primo so they can be notified and won't be surprised by the move and are looking into other options to avoid losing this data. 

Please take some time to review the new Primo VE interface and contact Jeff if you have any questions or concerns. It would be especially helpful if you could: 

  1. Test the authentication by trying to login to Primo VE with your OCC ID & password.
  2. Let Jeff know if you or someone you know of is currently using the saved records or saved searches feature in Primo.
  3. Try some searches and report any unexpected results or missing features.

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